Annual General Meeting

Venue : Video Conference (Details to follow)
Time : 17.00 to 18.00 hr
Date : 26 Jul 2020
The registrations are now closed as the vent is fully booked out. We hope to see you at the next IMAT event. Thank you for your interest

Event Details


  1. Apologies. Record members present.
  2. Confirmation of minutes of last AGM.
  3. Receiving and adoption of President’s Report on behalf of the Board
  4. Receiving and adoption of the Treasurer’s Report on the Statement of Income and Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities affecting the property of the Association for the year 2019-2020.
  5. Election of members to vacant positions on Board.
  6. Resolutions notified in writing not less than fourteen days (14) before the meeting.
  7. Any other business.
  8. Date for next Annual General Meeting.

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